Effective Natural Remedies For Constipated Dogs


Having a dog to keep you company or protect you is a responsibility, as our pets are loyal to us, we must take proper care to meet their needs and needs. As responsible pet owners, we should always know when to closely monitor the symptoms of sick canines. Minor medical problems, in case it is not addressed properly and on time, lead to complications that can cause serious health problems for our canine. Diagnosing a medical issue  in our pets can save them pain and suffering and lead to a healthier life for your pet.

Dog Having Constipation

Difficult bowel movement in canines is usually caused by dehydration. Canines with difficult bowel movement do not have water to help the stool pass through  the colon, so it stays in hte colon longer than it should, becomes dry, and is difficult to pass. In severe cases, a blockage in the colon, known as difficult bowel movement, may develop. In such a case, a surgical procedure called a colectomy may be required.

Causes Of Canine Difficult Bowel Movement

The most common cause of difficult bowel movement in canines is dehydration, usually as a result of the canine not drinking enough water. However, dehydration of one kind or another can also occur when water is retained in the colon so that it cannot help pass stool through the colon.

Another common cause of difficult bowel movement in canines is a blockage, usually as a result of your pet eating grass, cloth, bones, or some other material. Other potential obstructions may be caused by tumors or growths in the colon.
Infections and hormonal imbalances that affect metabolism, such as hypothyroidism, can also cause difficult bowel movement.

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Symptoms of difficult bowel movement in canines include:
– idle
Abnormal gait


What Can You Do About It?

When canines get sick, the owner must find a way to help them, no matter how costly or unsatisfactory the task is. Luckily, in some cases, home remedies can help your canine just as well as going to the vet. In suchcase of difficult bowel movement, for example, it is very easy to find a cure for difficult bowel movement in canines.

It is best to keep your canine safe. That can be achieved by eating high-quality, nutritious, high-fiber foods, as well as drinking plenty of freshwaters. Regular exercise is also essential to keep your canine healthy. Food, water, and exercise are some of the most effective ways to keep your canine healthy.

However, once the issue has already arisen, there are things you can do to help your canine. One of the first things you can try is adding fiber to your canine’s food. A very common tip is to add canned and unsweetened pumpkin to your meals. Pumpkin is rich in fiber and also contains a lot of water.

You can also buy certain types of fiber supplements to sprinkle on your canine’s food. the oil is also used to relieve difficult bowel movement as it lubricates the intestines, making it easier for the collected stool to pass. You can add some vegetable or mineral oil to your canine’s food and that will most likely solve such a problem.

If such issue does not go away within a few days, or in case your canine shows unusual discomfort, you should talk your veterinarian for advice. Home remedies should only be used for mild cases of difficult bowel movement that resolve within a few days. In case your canine begins vomiting or it has extreme fatigue signs, you should see a doctor.


In these cases, difficult bowel movement may be a sign of a more serious condition and the symptoms should not be ignored. But before calling the vet, you should try these tips.

Effective Natural Remedies For Difficult Bowel Movement In Canines

Almost everyone has experienced difficult bowel movement at some point, and most canines develop symptoms sooner or later. There are many causes of difficult bowel movement in canines, so before you try a home remedy, make sure your veterinarian has diagnosed the cause. Treating your canine for difficult bowel movement on its own without a diagnosis can put your pet’s health at risk because some causes of difficult bowel movement can get worse and cause more serious health problems without proper veterinary treatment.


There are many ways to relieve the symptoms of difficult bowel movement in a canine.  In case you notice that your canine has very hard and dry stools, adding liquid and volume to his diet can help form soft, large stools that are easier to pass. Here are a few ways to achieve this.
Add fiber with canned pumpkin
Canned pumpkin is full of fiber and liquid and tastes good too. In case your canine is clumsy, mix pumpkin broth and add that mixture to his food.


Pumpkin is known as a natural laxative because it is high in fiber. When your canine is constipated, give him some pumpkin to soften his stool. That will make it easier for your canine to have a bowel movement and put him in a good mood.


Fiber is always helpful when it comes to regulating bowel movements. Giving  it fiber supplements is a common treatment for difficult bowel movement in canines. You can find many types of nutritional supplements in pet stores or even supermarkets. You can get one in powder form and dilute it in water for your canine to drink.

Fluid Increment

If your canine is not drinking enough water, give him other liquids to drink. The low-sodium broth is a good option – warm it up, pour it over your canine’s food, and watch it roll.


Difficult bowel movement can be caused by dehydration. in case you are looking for a simple home remedy for canine difficult bowel movement, all you have to do is give your canine plenty of water. Fluids can regulate intestinal motility and treat difficult bowel movement in your canine. Make sure your canine always has enough water to drink. Always top up your canine’s water to make sure he has enough to drink.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a popular laxative and lubricant. In  case your canine is having trouble defecating, it is recommended to mix some olive oil into  its food. You can use more than one remedy for difficult bowel movement in canines. However, In case your canine is often constipated, the best remedy for hiring him is to change his diet, as there is a good chance that he is not getting enough fiber.

Using Wet Dog Food

If your canine is constipated, it may be necessary to change the type of canine food you eat. Choose a type of canine food that is high in fiber and low in grains. Changing your canine’s food can make digestion easier and also soften his stool.

Increase The Amount Of Exercise

Many canines don’t get enough exercise. in case your canine does not walk at least twice a day, he is at increased risk of difficult bowel movement. Once your canine gets used to  increased activity, suggest that he come up with a more rigorous plan – play fetch or let him play with other canines at a canine park in case your area has one. You can even get some health benefits on your own! in case you are too busy to walk your canine regularly, hire a canine breeder to do it for you. A sedentary lifestyle is bad for everyone, including canines.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is also a common remedy for difficult bowel movement in canines as it is known to help regulate intestinal motility. However, since aloe vera doesn’t taste very good, it may be necessary to get it in juice form and mix it into your canine’s food to make sure your canine takes it properly.

Metamucil Use

Another treatment for difficult bowel movement in canines is Metamucil adjunctive therapy. As weird as it sounds, The human supplement is usually great for canines with gut problems. About a teaspoon, a day in the right amount of water can help a canine with its problems, and it’s relatively easy and it may be required for canines with unusually hard stools. This treatment can be a bit difficult for your canine and don’t use it for more than a week.


Difficult bowel movement in a canine is a minor issue that can be avoided or even effectively treated by paying attention to the symptoms of sick canines, but if This type of canine condition is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to many other serious illnesses. Canine difficult bowel movement is essentially a disease of the canine that can be identified by The canine’s obvious difficulty in defecation.

As a pet owners, it is important for us to keep an eye on our canine, In case your canine lives indoors and needs to use The toilet outside, you will be able to immediately notice the onset of difficult bowel movement, but in case you are a canine owner whose canine spends a lot of time outdoors, it may be it will take some time for you to realize that your canine is constipated. It is your responsibility as a pet owner to look after the health and well-being of your pet. Watch for changes in behavior that may indicate health problems.