Great Ideas For Having A New Puppy In Your Apartment
Puppies can make a great companion. They create a compact attachment with their owners and family, which some friends or family members may fail to offer. When used to having one, it might become hard for you to adapt more if you are in a new place. The closure these little creatures offer is incomparable to anything else.
Having one at your apartment as a pet will not only offer a companion but some sense of protection too. Therefore, they prove to be more helpful. Time and again, we have heard incidences where someone was saved from an attack by a pet. Some back to signal the presence of strangers, while some are brave enough to face an intruder. Those are a few benefits of having a dog as a pet.
However, like humans, puppies find it hard to adapt to new places with unfamiliar family members. Separating a puppy from its mother and original family might severely affect its health, precisely mental. If not given proper attention and love, the puppy will become unsettled and might be wild.
Therefore, you need to have significant measures to help your new puppy adapt to its new home. Sometimes, it might be challenging, so I will highlight some ideas for you to use. Read on to learn seven great ideas for having a new puppy in your new apartment.
Tips For Having A New Puppy In Your Apartment:
Decide a potty spot
When you get the puppy to your new apartment, first take it to the potty spot you have selected. After relieving himself, use a command you intend to keep for the puppy to master, and do not forget to praise him.
Introduce the puppy to its new home
Before going for the puppy, you had prepared where the puppy will be sleeping and feeding on, right? That will be the puppy apartment living space and should be the second place the puppy should know. It is not good to release the dog to hover around the house because that will be too much for him to handle.
Therefore, the dog should only familiarize himself with his crate and eating point for the first few days. After getting accustomed to the new environment, you can now step by step introduce him to the rest of the apartment. Each room at a time while skipping the off-limits places.
Allow him to meet his new family members
Sometimes it isn’t easy to assume nothing is happening, and everybody will want to meet the new puppy first. But that should not be the case. It would work well for the puppy to quietly meet the members one at a time.
Provide chewing toys
Most puppies like to chew. So, you should know your puppy’s traits and offer what he likes. Buy him safe and appropriate chewing toys and redirect him to the toys if he starts to chew something else.
Introduce him to his sleeping place
Due to the bond and need to show love, some people prefer to share their beds with the puppy. It is not bad, but you should introduce him to his crate and let him get used to that. Contrary to what many think, dogs feel secure when in their den, and this case, the crate is the puppy’s den.
Keep a close eye on him
During the early days of his being in the new apartment, you should be keeping a close eye on him whenever you are around. You can be taking him around the rooms, outside, or any other place to instill that sense of belonging. Puppies love to be loved, which is the only way you can express your love for them.
Start to enforce rules
This might be the most complex dog apartment idea that many think is too early to execute. It is better to start enforcing rules as early as possible for the puppy to learn them. The earlier he knows the rules, the easier it becomes to adjust.
However, it would help if you were not vigorous when enforcing the rules to avoid scaring him. Punishing and yelling at him will only confuse and frighten him, so always try to be gentle. Besides, when he adheres to any rule, remember to praise him and let him know.
How To Live With A Dog In A Small Apartment
Living with a dog in a small apartment may be hard for many, but with these ideas, you might find it a bit easier. These dog tips for apartments will help you live with your friend no matter the size of the house.
It is better to note that the ideas below fit any dog, big or small.
Exercise him often
A small apartment confines the dog, but they require means to let out their energy. Therefore, taking them out for exercise twice or more a day will work better.
Understand your breed
Various breeds, lower energy dogs do well in tiny houses, while high-energy like beagles, terriers, and toy breeds do not do well. They require bigger spaces to let out their energy.
Create a haven for the dog
This is where the dog will retreat when they need some time alone. So, make him his comfortable area and if he is crate trained, make sure the crate is comfortable. Also, his place provides food, water, chewing toys, and a mat or rug. The mat absorbs tears or stains when the dog is playing.
Visit the vet frequently
In most small apartments, people use common areas, which might lead to parasites or accidents involving your dog. Therefore, you need to keep your dog up to date on parasite preventatives and vaccination.
Stick to a routine
Dogs do well under a routine, especially if the space is small. Therefore, sticking to a routine like feeding, walking, and bath time helps his body metabolize food around.
Find a partner to play with
Like humans, dogs love interacting with fellow dogs. While together, they can play in ways they cannot play with you, so finding a partner for your dog will be good for him.
Prioritize his training
Apartments are mostly shared. Therefore, you need to keep the safety and neighbors’ concerns in your mind. Training your dog to behave and respect your neighbors becomes a priority.
How to keep your dog quiet when you are gone
You cannot be around your dog all the time, and maybe you do not have someone to take care of him when you are not in. so you need to find ways to be alone and still be quiet. Read on for some tips.
Use anti-barking devices
These devices detect barks and generate a high-pitched sound only dogs can hear. They are non-collar instrumental in keeping the dog quiet when alone. So, owning one would solve your problem effectively.
Familiar sounds
It is better to leave a familiar sound to keep your dog company when you are gone.
Canine puzzles, Toys
Dogs are easily distracted by canine puzzles or toys. Therefore, if you can leave one for your dog to solve when you are gone, it would surely keep him quiet.
When tired, dogs can sleep close to seven hours. If you know you will be leaving your dog alone, you should exercise him first and leave it to rest when you are gone.
How To Make Living With Your Dog In An Apartment More Convenient
Reveal your pet to the apartment complex’s staff
Many apartments charge a one-time deposit and a monthly fee for pets. It is better to pay the pet fees and live freely with your pet than sneaking. You and your pet will not be free and risk facing the consequences in the process.
Get the first-floor apartment
Top floors come with great views but will inconvenience you when your dog needs to go for a potty. Therefore, getting the first-floor apartment would work better for you and your pet.
Set up a relief area for the pet on your patio
If you fail to secure a first-floor apartment, you should set a relief space for your pet but always keep it clean. A faux-grassed potty for an emergency can make the living doable.
Desensitize your pet
To make the living doable, you should familiarize your dog with many kinds of people and different noises. If not familiar with noise and other people, the dog can be nervous, leading to destruction and incessant barking. Therefore, you should familiarize him with many people and noises as early as possible.
Avail loads of dog puzzles
Sometimes weather prevents us from exercising or walking with pets, but the dog needs to let out the energy. So, it would help if you found a way to keep your dog indoors but still let out the energy. The best way is by having loads of dog puzzles.
Though the dog will not be physically active, it will be engaged and mentally active. This will help it let the energy out without much movement.
Owning a pet is great, but living with it in an apartment can be challenging. Pets love being active and moving around, so the condo can never offer enough space. Therefore, you need to exercise the above ideas and tips to make the living workable and doable.
The highlighted ideas cover much of what is there to know about living with a puppy/dog no matter the size, if not all. Follow the thoughts and live with your dog in an apartment conveniently.